Salesforce: OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server IntegrationWith this article, I am trying to complement the really nice content we already have on the Salesforce website with some insights on small…Jun 10, 2022Jun 10, 2022
Migrating existing .net 5 web application to MSAL AuthenticationWith Microsoft’s announcement to stop adding new features to ADAL from 30th June 2020 and the end of support from 30th June 2022, it's…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Deploy Static HTML UI on Azure Web App using FTP ClientIn this article, we will see step by step how to deploy simple/complex any HTML Based Websites or we can say static websites on Azure Web…Mar 6, 2021Mar 6, 2021
Published inPython in Plain EnglishDeploy your Python Flask API on Linux Based Azure App Service Using Github ActionsHow you can deploy Python-Flask API to Azure on a Linux-based App ServiceFeb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021